09 January 2010


Yay! I got comments! This makes me pretty happy. And one was from someone i didn't even know! By the way Nessa O. its ok it didn't freak me out, it was actually pretty cool. anyways thats all i have to go to work so ill post later!


  1. I'm glad you didn't flip. I know Galway because I have relatives that live in Ireland. My Grandma lives in Kinvarra which is right by there. We go there every so often and I have to practically force my mom and dad to go to Galway every time.

    Thank god you agree with me on twilight. I was beginning to think I was the only reasonable teenage girl left.

    Oh and to scare you a bit more I have a cousin who's name is Kate. Well actually its Mary Katherine but we call her Kate.

    I know what you mean about important issues in the world that people act so oblivious about. I feel like I can't actually DO anything. I'm just a high schooler who should be focusing more on what grade I get on my SAT's instead of world issues.

  2. Ok thats even scarier because my name is Mary Katharine actually. I like to say I'm Irish because my name is Mary Katharine O'Brien (pretty dang Irish sounding) but it is far in my past.

    on twilight: you should meet my friends we all pretty much agree.

    Yeah i just can't wait until college and having a job then I CAN do something.

    I also go to an alternative high school (I saw that on your one post) its called Community High School.
    its kinda a hippy school though.
