So last night I saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Which is an incredibly sad movie. I literally cried for an hour. I'm not even kidding. Of course this was mostly due to stupid hormones you get from being a teenager AND being a girl. So I was basically an emotional wreck. And it wasn't just like tears falling down my face it was sobbing heavily. I wanted to go into the TV and scream at the people in the movie. Honestly I'm normally not this emotional. BUT HUMANS CAN BE SO HORRIBLE.
If you don't know the movie its about a boy in Germany in WWII and his dad is a high up SS officer who had been moved to a run a work camp. The boy can see it from his room and thinks its a funny farm where everyone wears striped pajamas. His parents tell him not to go in the back yard. But being a typical 8-year-old boy, he goes goes there anyways and finds a woods that lead to the work camp, he finds another boy his age in the camp and they become friends. Anyways I won't ruin the rest.
I have kinda lost faith in humanity. I am studying the Rwandan Genocide in Model U.N. right now too so this all combined with being a member of STAND is a lot to handle. I just don't understand how someone could kill another human. Sure they can tell themselves that the other person isn't human but isn't there some guilt still because you can't completely trick yourself. And how could the United Nations sit by and do basically nothing in Rwanda when it was created after WWII to prevent that from happening ever again!
Also people just don't seem to care about the world anymore. I feel like a lot of people don't listen to me or to other teenagers who are passionate about world issues. I mean in science yesterday I started talking about habitat for humanity's restore and how the money goes to help build homes for people and the guys in my class are like "I'm Katie, lets save Fish! hahahaha just shut up." And its frustrating because I sometimes forget that there are other people who actually care about what is going on in the world instead of just themselves.
I'm not saying you can't care about yourself, because I am a teenager and of course i can be self-centered sometimes, but at least I try to do things about the environment and genocide and all the other world issues. I met a guy who was like me in a lot of ways and I guess I liked him because he was so passionate about the world as well, but he lives in Grand Rapids and hasn't texted me back lately. Probably because he now has a girlfriend.
And i could probably rant some more but then people probably won't listen so I'll wrap it up. anyways my mom saw me crying and she reminded me that I have to focus on how much good there is in the world, and that there are people like me. And I'll be out of high school soon so i'll be able to make a difference in the world.
So if you are feeling like I do i hope it helps to here there is someone else who thinks like you. And even if you aren't remember all the beauty and good in this world.

there so many bad things; sometimes it hurts to care. people like you are so much stronger than the majority.